Properly storing an artificial Christmas tree will make it last for many years to be enjoyed by your family each Christmas. While it’s never as much fun as getting out your tree at the beginning of the season, making sure your artificial tree is properly stored and put away will also make sure next year’s experience of decorating for the holidays is that much easier.

If you keep your Christmas decorations in a storage unit or in your own home in Plymouth, MA, here are some of the best practices for Christmas tree storage to follow when taking down your holiday decorations this year.

Remove tree decorations

The first step in proper Christmas tree storage is carefully storing anything you’ve used to decorate your tree. Store ornaments in well-padded containers, and be careful when untangling strands of lights from your tree’s artificial branches. If you have a pre-lit Christmas tree, be sure to check for any burned-out bulbs and replace them now so you’re not surprised next year. Carefully wind and tightly bind any unattached strings of lights.

Properly disassemble the tree

This step will depend on how your artificial Christmas tree is made. Most are designed in a few parts that are meant to be disconnected from each other when stored. If you have a pre-lit tree, carefully unplug any strands of lights that are meant to be separated before taking your tree apart. You should also fold the tree’s branches carefully together and upward, starting at the top of the tree and working down.

Consider wrapping each artificial Christmas tree section in plastic to protect it before transferring each section to its long-term storage container. It’s a good idea to store your tree in a canvas bag or durable box rather than in its original cardboard packaging. A sturdy container will better keep your Christmas tree clean from dust and mildew. Flimsy cardboard boxes are more susceptible to moisture and mold, and they tend to break down with repeated use.

Store your tree in the right place

Properly storing your Christmas tree by following all these steps should ensure your tree isn’t damaged or dirtied as it waits to help you celebrate the holidays next year. You should always keep your artificial Christmas tree somewhere dry and clean throughout the year.

It’s best to keep your Christmas decorations in a storage unit if you can. Christmas tree storage can be a hassle at home, where they take up a lot of space and are difficult to lug up and down the stairs, since they’re so large and unwieldy.

Especially if you have a lot of Christmas decorations in storage, consider renting space at A Plus Storage Corporation in Kingston, MA. Offering standard as well as climate-controlled storage units, our facilities are clean and safe. Our storage units are perfect for keeping your artificial Christmas tree and beloved family decorations in good repair but out of the way. Contact A Plus Storage Corporation today to learn more about your options!

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