Whether you’re a serious professional photographer or a gifted amateur, keeping your photography equipment in great working order is important to taking quality pictures. Purchasing any cameras and other photography equipment is a major investment, and you need to protect it from damaging moisture, dust and sunlight. Read on to learn about properly storing a camera in a storage unit in Kingston, MA.

Take out all batteries and memory cards

Removing batteries and memory cards is the first step you should take before you put your camera in a storage unit in Kingston, MA. If you’re planning to keep cameras and equipment in storage for a long period of time, the battery could potentially leak, and the memory card could fuse in its slot. Either case would render your camera useless.

The same goes for peripheral equipment, including flashes, light meters, remotes and any other accessories that use batteries. Always remove the batteries if you’re storing the equipment for more than a few weeks at a time to prevent battery leaks.

Remove and clean lenses and lens filters

The next step in properly storing a camera in a storage unit in Kingston, MA involves some of the most expensive extra equipment: the lenses and filters. Remove the lens and any filters and give them a good cleaning to remove dust, dirt, fungal spores and any other elements that could impact their performance. Always put lens caps on either end of your lenses to prevent scratches. When you put lenses in storage, remember to store them upright. When lenses aren’t regularly used, the lubricant inside the shutter can dry out, dropping flakes in the lens and impacting the quality of your photos. Also remember to put a cap on the lens mount to protect this part of your camera from dust, dirt and moisture.

Clean and package the camera

Before putting a camera into long-term storage, you should clean it with a blower, compressed air or a soft cloth. Clean gently but thoroughly to remove all dust and dirt from the camera. After this step, place the camera in a protective container like a camera bag, case or any other airtight receptacle.

If you’re storing a digital camera, you need to remove other electronics that you’ll be putting in your storage unit. Electronic devices generate magnetic fields that can damage the screen and other components of a digital camera. You should also pay attention to the climate conditions of your storage unit. Make sure your unit is kept cool at all times, with no temperature fluctuations and a relative humidity of 35 to 45 percent. Humidity is very important, as dry conditions cause a camera’s mechanical parts to wear out sooner.

Whether you work with digital media or traditional film, you need to carefully clean and pack your camera and peripheral equipment before putting it in your storage unit in Kingston, MA. You also need to be sure your storage unit has the right temperature conditions to keep all equipment safe. Contact A Plus Storage Corporation today to learn more about storing valuable camera equipment and much more.

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